An object is classified as something you can't pick up into your inventory and/or is a part of the game like a door or portal. These items are filterable to return the specific object(s) that you want/need.
Objects have properties associated with them, some of them are listed below. There are many others so feel free to take a look into what other properties are involved with objects.
ID (Integer) - This is the ID of the object, this is created by Jagex and is universal throughout all clients. For example, the ID for gold is 995.
Name (String) - This is the name of the object.
Tile (Tile) - This is the location in the game world in which the object sits, please see Locations.md for more information on tiles.
Actions - Actions are the options you have when interacting with the object. For example a door if open would have a "Close" action and if closed and "Open action".
To filter objects you first need to return the stream, see the StreamAPI section for more info on this.
In this scenario, we have cached the GameObject of a door.