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Combat API

Enabling Autoretaliate

The autoRetaliate method is used to enable or disable the auto retaliate feature in combat. It accepts a boolean parameter, where true turns on auto retaliate and false turns it off. It returns a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful. The autoretaliate function will handle the tab selection for you.

boolean setAutoRetaliate = Combat.autoRetaliate(true);
    System.out.println("Auto retaliate set successfully");
    System.out.println("Failed to set auto retaliate");

Retrieving the wilderness level

The wildernessLevel method returns the wilderness level of the player, which is -1 if the player is not in the wilderness.

int wildernessLevel = Combat.wildernessLevel();
if(wildernessLevel != -1){
    System.out.println("The player is in the Wilderness at level " + wildernessLevel);
} else {
    System.out.println("The player is not in the Wilderness.");

Getting the current combat style

The Style enum is used to represent different combat styles. Options include ACCURATE, AGGRESSIVE, CONTROLLED, and DEFENSIVE.

Combat.Style currentStyle =;
System.out.println("Current combat style: " + currentStyle);

Setting your Combat style

The style() function takes a Combat.Style enum as a parameter the available options are

boolean setStyle =;
    System.out.println("Combat style set successfully");
    System.out.println("Failed to set combat style");

Getting your health percentage

int healthPercent = Combat.healthPercent();
System.out.println("Player health percent: "+ healthPercent);

Get the players max HP

The maxHealth method returns the maximum health level of the player. Here is how you can use it:

int maxHealth = Combat.maxHealth();
System.out.println("Player max health: " + maxHealth);

Checking and using special attacks

boolean hasSpecialAttack = Combat.specialAttack();
if (hasSpecialAttack) {
    boolean setSpecialAttack = Combat.specialAttack(true);
    if (setSpecialAttack){
        System.out.println("Special attack set successfully");
        System.out.println("Failed to set special attack");

Checking special percentage

The specialPercentage method returns the current percentage of the player's special attack energy.

int specialPercentage = Combat.specialPercentage();
System.out.println("Special attack energy percentage: " + specialPercentage + "%");

Check if you're in a multi-combat zone

The inMultiCombat method returns true if the player is in a multi-combat zone, and false otherwise.

boolean inMultiCombat = Combat.inMultiCombat();
if (inMultiCombat){
    System.out.println("Player is in multi-combat zone");
    System.out.println("Player is not in multi-combat zone");